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Friday, August 15, 2008

The Meditating Cat and Sukumar Roy

Above pic is from a book "Ho-Jo-bo-Ro-Lo" by Sukumar Roy, a legendary writer of Bengal. The drawings are by him...

Lucid dreams......

About this LEGAL CASE of mine. While dozing off, deep from the realms of my subconscious mind.....appeared a vision....

The Cat ! It was always the Cat !
I found the Cat was really somewhere near the premises of the Indian Statistical Institute
! I could not believe that I would find the answer over there.

The Cat had the Answer.....What I thought was the handkerchief, was actually the Cat !
And that's why, having all the Answers, it's got that MISCHIEVOUS look.

So, I started listening to the Cat..sometimes yawning, taking its time...but slowly revealing the Mystery. After all, it could afford to....

Of the 14.5 kottahs of land....
And then the Cat reminded me of one of....one of
My guru, who is younger than me, and is currently in the United Kingdom, was a 'black belt'...he gave me a very important lesson of martial arts :
"Debajyoti, remember always....It's 70% defense, 30 % offense."

Thankfully,I have revealed only 20 % of my LEGAL capabilities.

The Cat really liked it, had a hearty laugh, suddenly swiped at a passing small spider...munched it up, juicy morsel....

And giving me a wink...this Cat said, "Yes, good you've revealed only 20% of your LEGAL capabilities. Have a nice day"

Before yawning, and getting up to take it's evening stroll, the Cat gave a parting shot,

"And congrats that your Dad's excellent piece of work 466 page Book 'Elements of Quantum Mechanics' has been published. Your job as an Editor was O.K."

It then jumped over the fence and disappeared.

I should have guessed...it was Always......the Cat !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ore tui to bolechis, beral 30 na kota species naki. tor BAM diker choto beral , lynx na ki.
DAN diker gulo dekheche ora? Mairi oi sob leopard, snow leopard, bagh singhimama chitabagh ogulo ese pore ni to ?